This edition is cut from an installation titled Biological Controls: If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It that was deconstructed exclusively for Cultivist members. Howng presented this work at School 33 Art Center in Baltimore in 2016-2017. The artist staged a hand-painted post-apocalyptic environment, drawing inspiration from the history of landscape painting. There was also a key pop culture influence on this project: the 1987 movie ‘Predator,’ in which the lead character outwitted the Predator, not through technological firepower, but by understanding the natural landscape.

“While researching the effects of war on the environment, I became fascinated with the struggles of man vs. the natural landscape and the natural landscape vs. man—how man can use it to their advantage or be put at a disadvantage,” Howng said of the project.

This edition is made entirely from repurposed materials, making it our most sustainable edition to date. Variations occur in each, including holes due to the deconstruction of the installation. These marks help differentiate one edition from the next.